Lumiforte employs 10 people at its Research & Development department. They work on quality control, provide technical advice, improve existing products and work on new product development.

Before Lumiforte coatings are brought to market, their quality is thoroughly tested first. A sample is taken from every batch that is subsequently tested in the laboratory. The coating is applied to a glass plate after which it is artificially aged in a climate chamber. Measurements are taken during this process; light transmission, degree of diffusion, changes to the light spectrum, wear-resistance, removability. Only once these tests meet our quality standards the product is brought to market.

R&D employees know the composition and properties of the coatings like no other. This technical knowledge is used to answer questions from customers about the application of our products. In addition, this knowledge is shared with consultants so that they can recommend customers on the optimal use of the products in their specific situation.

A product is never finished. The availability of new technologies or more sustainable materials makes it possible to improve existing products. Lumiforte works together with 75 suppliers of raw materials. Together with these suppliers our R&D department continuously looks for interesting new raw materials or technologies. This way we stay innovative, and our products become cleaner, safer, and better.

Lumiforte R&D employees are always open to new ideas. They have a tight relationship with the horticulture and sports sectors and pay attention to the needs of these sectors. For example, the ReduFuse diffuse coating was developed because of the high demand for diffuse light in greenhouses, particularly the vegetable growing segment, in recent years.
However, inspiration for new products also comes from external sectors. For example, the idea of an antireflective coating originated from the solar panel industry. It is our experience that developing products for the future is only possible by thinking outside the box and by working together.